James  Henry Burns
on September 13, 2022
People wonder why Vegans get annoyed at people when they make statements backed up by false facts created seventy-five years ago and have been proven to be in error years ago. They look at the picture of me shown here and tell me how much healthier I was when I ate a non-vegan diet. But you will never convince this X-333-pound man on the verge of death that veganism has made me LESS HEALTHY. People live in a state of cognitive dissonance. More like Pathogenic Ocular dissonance in that they see, and are convinced that something is correct yet because they do not want to believe it or it goes against what they were erroneously taught in the past then if they DONT BELIEVE hard enough it might convince others that their fallacies are truth.
So yes, I get very annoyed at these people that choose to overlook the obvious that is right in their face because it is either too hard for them to overcome, or they are just too lazy to try. YES I get annoyed.
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Spencer Shields II
Who gives a shit what you eat , unless its your neighbors eat whatever , but dont try to convince me how right you are , you'll love Zuckabergs & Gates new food source , cook roaches , enjoy , I'm having steak with my potatoes & green beans
September 14, 2022
Kipp Pickerill
Kipp Pickerill replied - 5 replies
Kipp Pickerill
Vegan vs carnivore is not the health problem. I've seen healthy and unhealthy in both. Processed vs natures source is much more important.
September 19, 2022 Edited
James  Henry Burns
James Henry Burns replied - 1 reply
Kipp Pickerill
I have no moral quandary despite a love for animals and a job watching it (slaughter of animals) every day. We run from pain in our dumb down drug fed society. Every emotion should be felt in the experience of human life. Food should be appreciated not vacuum sealed.
September 19, 2022