Raven White Dove
on October 4, 2020
Humans avoid. We avoid confrontation, responsibility, relationships, bad news, difficulties, drama, emotions, whatever.
We also love to avoid information especially information that doesn't sit well with what we believe in. It's as if once we choose a belief we must remain committed to it no matter anything else that comes our way that says differently. That, my friends, is the pitfall of ego and pride.
For most people, being right or committed to a thought, an idea or a belief outweighs growth. Illumination. Gathering of knowledge. Expanding our awareness.
The thing is about true knowledge is that it doesn't change or go away. It remains. One has to take action and use thought to avoid, argue and navigate away from truth and that takes poorly spent energy. It consumes space and time in a negative fashion.
Ignoring is an action chosen by weakness and fear when it is wishing away new ideas and thoughts that can alter perception.
I guess I'm just lucky. I love learning and growing. I don't feel anyone is too young, too stupid, too old to teach me something new. It's my juice. My shivers of joy. I dont mind being incorrect at all. Hell, theres always more to seek and absorb that's honest and verifiably true. I am just a mere human waking up striving to do my part.
Each day I chose to learn more and share what I can with others. But for me, growing in all knowledge is the greatest participation I can offer in this life, at this time. I see no point in ignoring evidence that will alter anything I may feel I know. To do that, to view my world in limited boxes, is to not be living my best life ... at all.
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