Ruby Bloodwine
on August 30, 2022
In some societies, a woman's place is beneath a covering and three steps behind her husband. She will have no protection from his ire, should he become displeased with her. She is a lesser being, subject first to her father, then to her husband, and finally to the will of her male children or kin. She is a dependent. Though she may have married as early as age nine, she will not likely outlive her husband. Her role is to please her husband. She will bear as many children as she is able, rejoicing for each boy. The girls will be rendered to a husband at a very early age, just as she had been. She will work from morning to night. She will not know freedom as women of other countries. Her freedom begins at the moment she is unbound from this life.
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God tells us the answer to this debauchery
August 30, 2022