NAZI WAR CRIMESCRIMES AGAINST HUMANITYINTERNATIONAL MILITARY TRIBUNALS to take place in Mariupol Donezk Republic – US State Dept. freaking out"The International Tribunal in Mariupol can shed light on the true nature of the Kiev regime, of which the United States is carefully creating a bright and heroic image. American citizens will finally learn that their government is in fact helping those who deliberately kill and torture the Russian people in the Donbass and Ukraine," it said.READ MORE—>> War: Summer 2014-->> WarTorture in 'The Library'—>> DISCLAIMER:DEATH PENALITY FOR:>> HIGH CRIMES>> TREASON>>CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITYsupported by@GitmoTV@TRIBUNALSforJUSTICEpowered by@ExposeThePEDOSendOfTheCABAL
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