Powers That Be
on August 29, 2022
Western Medicine is also known as “Allopathic” medicine, which means symptom suppressing, or more literally, creating the opposite effect of the disease. 'Allos-’ means other and ‘-pathy’ means disease or suffering. Western medicine is touted as one of the crowning achievements of modern science, yet the US population spends the most money on “health care” and has one of the sickest populations overall.
When considering medical treatment, think about the word treat; does it bring to mind a cookie, ice cream, or chocolate? These are cheap gratifications that temporarily change our mood so we can forget about the pain we don’t want to deal with. And that’s exactly what drugs are, a lessening of a symptom at the expense of more disease down the road.
The chemical drug industry as we know it grew out of the oil and steel industries, ruled by the richest men in the country. The byproducts of oil and steel production are toxic chemicals, which become raw materials for new products: isolates, additives, fuels, flavors, lubricants, medicines, etc.
Oil and steel monopolists, the Rockefellers, expanded their industrial rule through the purchase of German Rx conglomerate IG Farben, and subsequently went on to fuel the chemical boom of the 20th century, maintaining control to this day. A comprehensive approach was taken to promote the sale of drugs while protecting the massively rich drug companies. Medical education is rigorously controlled and funded by big pharma. Medical students learn next to nothing about nutrition but become experts in the schedule of vaccines and drugs that are to be given. In a glaring conflict of interest, there are revolving doors between the U.S. regulatory agencies and the drug companies they purport to regulate.
Synthetic drugs are marketed directly to the consumer, while doctors are incentivised to sell said advertised drugs. The cartel pushes legislation and has legal teams and insurance to protect them from liability and damage charges that result from their products causing harm to people.
Methods of natural healing are systematically dismissed as pseudo-science and then suppressed.
What are the implications of all this?
- Seth Bailin
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