Tom Hensley
on August 27, 2022
Grant Worthington I'll explain jow you want to limit christian speech with this picture you posted the top statement says you feel my Hod only belings in church in my home and in my head no where else so shutup and keep Him there. And the second half says I am to Him out of YOUR government schools and your life. You want to make the founded on christian (religious) freedom and it a secular country and make christians second class citizens who can't express their beliefs and morals because we offend you. Like I said this country was found on christian beliefs the early settlers (pilrams) left England so the King couldn't persecute them for how they worshipped this is the part most atheist and the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) like to leave out they worte a declaration of independence talking about God given rights and that government can't take those right away then they enumerated them in the constitution. It wasn't until 1991 when the FFRF was founded that we started having this debate about christian values in government and the FFRF along with liberal democrat judges started taking religious symbols of government owned land because they were offended and we are today atheist and democrats have pretty much adopted the FFRF idea of atheism.
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