I had a "premonition" or a "vision from the One God's or Angels"The monsters are going to arrest Trump, then there will be a kenetic civil war resulting from it. It was All in the plans all along. They are diabolical monstersDo Not Fear thoughFor this is why I tell You All what I see in the future.They gave it too me a couple days ago but I ignored it because I didn't want it to happen so bad but they gave it to me a third time so I must tell you all so you don't fear so you have the advantageBecause This Is WarEveryone pray that it doesn't happen!trust that there are many like me that got the same vision! trust that there are many that already knew this before me and have been working diligently to fight the timelineAll timelines can be changed but is up to us to do it. With my Reiki connection I can see the past and I can see the future... All possible future outcomes. We can change this timeline we are on currently.Please help Us!!!1. Meditate for a second or get comfortable 2. Pray or say out loud,"One, Yeshua, and All That Can Hear Me That Is Good,Help Us Now In The Name Of The One,In The Name Of Yeshua JesusIn The Name Of AllThank YouWe Love You AllHeal Us Now Intervean NOWAmen and Amen➕➕➕➕➕➕➕This will give us advantageThis will help Us stop this war from getting way worseIf you can leave your body fly all around the earth and flood it with Love Light. Every way you can. If you want remote projection lessons, I will teach you for free just so you can help Us. Email for free lessons m.buck1234321@gmail.com Or check out our updated websiteKnightofSolomon.comEverything is Free now because the time is short and we must win this warFree ReikiFree LessonsLet's Blow This Place Up With Light Love ✨ Thank You➕
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