Eloise Wallace
on August 12, 2022
So I just got done doing a little bit of grocery shopping at Walmart and when I was done I went to the check out to start scanning everything I had in my cart and mind you it was very little because 200 dollars only goes so far in this fucking economy these days and just before I went to the check out I was taking pictures of price tags of everything I was getting just to make sure that it matched on the computer check out screen and I noticed as I was scanning everything that several of the items I scanned did not match the picture of the item that was priced on the floor, so I said something to the self check out cashier and showed them the price tag in the picture for proof and in the pictures showed the item that was directly above the price tag to show even more proof, but I wanted to tell everyone that I think Walmart is up to something no good and everyone needs to pay very close attention to everything they are buying and making sure that it matches at the check out before you pay for it because trust me when I say that if anyone is willing to let Walmart get away with anything that they are up to when it comes to your money then we are only gonna loose more money and make them a million times richer then they already are because even if 10 percent of the 37 million people world wide over paid at the register one dollar in one day that would mean they will have made an extra 3.7 million dollars a day from those 10 percent that didn't pay any attention to the money they were overcharged. So I say to everyone please please be very careful and watch closely to what you spending because we all know that money don't go far anymore.
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Thanks for bringing it to our attention. 👍🏻
August 12, 2022