Robert Shipton
on August 10, 2022
Just another day at work for this liberal communist administration and its thieving House and Senate. Another $700 billion for nothing. Why is it when liberals pass these huge bills no one can ever see what is actually done with the money? OVER 31 TRILLION IN NSTIONAL DEBT and OVER 120 TRILLION IN UNFUNDED LIABILITY DEBT. We hit the 1 TRILLION DEBT MARK IN 1982. AS OF TODSY ITS OVER 31 TRILLION. IT IS ESTIMATED THAT IT WILL TAKE 1,962 YEARS TO PAY OFF THE NATIONAL DEBT. GET THIS; The majority of the national debt is our corrupt government in debt to us citizens. What's the chances that the way this government acts towards us that it just decides one day to pass legislation to default on the money it owes to its citizens. Yes I believe they are that corrupt.
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