Steven Dawkins
on October 2, 2020
There has been a lot of talk about white supremacists and right wing militia in which the proud boys are accused of these things. I hadn't heard of the Proud Boys so I did some research. First let me state that I am not nor ever have been a member but I have not found any sign that they are racists or anything but people displaying conservative values. As far as a militia is concerned , What's wrong with that, as long as no violence is committed? I am sure that being of their right wing bent we would have heard of any violence committed in Portland from the media and we did not hear a word.
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Peg mccune
October 2, 2020
Peg mccune
The proud boys are true patriots. Last Saturday i watched a live feed btw them, antifa, blm, they were peaceful
October 2, 2020