Shane 🇺🇲
on August 9, 2022
For america, it’s a whole new ballgame. we’re on uncharted territory. the ships have been burned. you can’t get the genie back in the bottle...
when one administration blatantly weaponizes every lever of gov’t they can get their power-lusting hands on to completely destroy a political enemy - an american president, no less - we as a nation have joined the ranks of banana republics.
the raid on mar-a-lago is an abuse of power unprecedented in american history. it’s never been more apparent how grossly uneven our scales of ‘justice’ have become.
it wasn’t just one man whose house was raided. a majority of america has just been put on notice that all truth-tellers now have a giant target on their backs.
the internal revenge service, aka IRS, has just been cleared to add 87k jobs just as millions of rounds of ammunition and guns have been allocated to them to weaponize the dept. armed agents could soon be knocking on our doors. folks will soon be nostalgic for the days of having only a quaint audit. if mar-a-lago can be raided, none of us are exempt.
but mark my words - retribution will not be pretty. you don’t poke a bear and not expect a reaction. you don’t wake up a lion and expect he’ll roll back over to sleep. and americans by the tens of millions have just gotten their marching orders. paul revere rides once again.
to quote a famous sermon, ‘it may be friday, but sunday’s comin’.’ the darkness engulfing america today most likely will get worse. but a day is soon coming when the tables will be turned and the hunters will be the hunted. and for a change, the guilty will be imprisoned while the innocent are set free.
ronald reagan’s words were never more true than now.
“freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. we didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. it must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the united states where men were free.”
-Joseph Watson
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