Connie Ross
on October 2, 2020
Well its done!!! No more censoring my posts, no more fake news, no more fact checkers, no more fb jail and community standards. AND NO MORE SUPPORT FOR MARK PEDOPHILE ZUCKERBERG!!!!
I have deleted my fb account and that means I can say freely that Joe Biden is unfit to be president. He has dementia and needs to be castrated so he'll leave the girls and women alone. He also needs a muzzle, shock collar, and to be lead around on a leash.
I believe in an eye for an eye so, whatever these elite monster pedophiles are doing to children should be done to them.
This race war crap needs to be stopped. Nobody in the USA is oppressed. We all have the same rights. And, I'll add that there are black churches, colleges, and even a black spring break. So, I don't see any oppression. We are all equal here in America. Skin color is not the issue.
We need to give more support to the police instead of defunding them.
Antifa and BLM have killed ppl for saying this, so, I'll shout it...ALL LIVES MATTER!!! They should be banned and the money George Soros supports them with should be given to all the small businesses and neighborhoods they've burned, looted, and destroyed. If the governors can't control their cities, then they need to be fired from office and the military should step in and get things back under control.
Corona virus is not a hoax and I think they should get rid of Fauci. Oh, and Bill Gates isn't a doctor. So, he needs to be locked up for all the damage he's done and his contributions should be donated to the families who lost loved ones due to covid.
There are only 2 genders, which are male and female. Public school is no place for sex education or genderization to be taught. So, now you know I don't support LGTBQ.
I know this is a long post, but it feels so good to be able to come out and say what I believe is right without being crucified. With all this said and off my chest now....Its nice to meet you all here on Wimkin. I'm just a Southern Conservative Christian gal that wants to meet like minded friends. So, hello fellow Wimkinites! Its nice to meet ya!
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