In Album: Finn Montero's Timeline Photos
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Vincent Metz
We can give a shit if your trans...when you and yours try to shove it down our throats and push it on our children your asking for an ass kicking....its not transphobic....its protecting our children from what we feel is immoral much like you feel being straight is immoral.

Ronald Pfister
Don't cry just because there are people who live in reality and understand the truth behind genetics and don't put up with nonsense. Mental health care is there to help you and I'm sure your coworkers would help you. The constant paranoia and feelings that at any moment someone is going to say som... View More

brent camp
I feel the same way when the media tries to push the narrative that gender is different than sex and is not determined by chromosomes. But I really believe that the whole gender confusion phenomenon can be explained by nano plastic contamination disrupting the endocrine systems of sexual organisms. ... View More