This is Elisjsha Dicken. He is from Southern Indiana. He was at Greenwood Park Mall shopping with his girlfriend. The mall is about 37 miles southwest of his farm. There was a mass shooting there. Three people were murdered, Pedro Pineda, his wife Rosa Mirian Rivera de Pineda, and Victor Gomez. One piece of trash scumbag also died and his name isn’t worth mentioning. Elisjsha was shopping with his girlfriend when the sick coward opened fire into the crowded mall food court. Elisjsah was carrying a handgun and engaged the shooter who had a semi-automatic rifle and shot him down like the dog he was. Authorities are saying he saved countless lives! I’m not posting this for a debate about the 2nd Amendment. You won’t change my mind and I’m not going to try and change yours. I just thought that people should know that there are still good people willing to put themselves in harm’s way. Elisjsah’s story needs to be told. A good kid had to do an awful thing and everyone should be grateful for it.
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Rene Hollan
You can be sure the left will vilify him.