More insight on how Joe Biden and the Socio-Marcist Democrat Party condone, approve, embrace, and support racism, slavery, segregation and play Alinsky's Rules for Radicals by blamming others for what they are doing themselves.Why do we need preparation? I mean, the Democrats support slave ownership. Should the DNC pay these reparations, not the tax payers?The Democrats created the KKK. Should the DNC be deemed a terrorist organization? I mean they created, funded, supported, and condon race baiting, punching, hate crimes, segregation. Jim Crow Laws. White only buses, beaches, water fountains, schools, rest rooms, military units. Need I go on?But Joe Biden will NOT admonish the terror group BLM or ANTIFA because it's an "idea". Well, Hitler, Stahlin, Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Saddam Hussein, and Bin Laden ALL had " ideas" and we know how that played out.And for the record, militias are CONSTITUTIONALLY SANCTIONED. "WE THE PEOPLE" are the militia. The Militia Acts, 2nd Amendment, and your duty as a natural born American make you the militia or intent to become a US Citizen as the US Constitution states. The fact the National Guard became the modern militia is irrelevant as the US Constitution authorizes the citizen militia. (Reference Cornell Law School site Sleepy Joe does NOT even know or understand the US Constitution after 47yrs in office and being Vice-President for 8yrs.
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