Knight Of Solomon
on July 17, 2022
Just in case you didn't know how profitable breeding and raising quail could be here are some numbers for you from my investor proposal I'm working on...
1000 quail produce 1000 eggs per day
Or 83 dozen for $4 each or $332 per day.
Or $9960 per month
These eggs could be sold or traded for other commodities and food.
Or they can be incubated and sold as new hatchlings for $2 to $4 each, or raised 6weeks to maturity to breed or for laying eggs and would be worth $10 each at that point.
A greenhouse dome to house 1000 quail, 14 feet wide cam be built for @$600 in materials needed
"The more secure you are, the more secure I am" - Knight of Solomon
More farming facts and projections coming soon😉
Dimension: 4000 x 3000
File Size: 664.04 Kb
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