Lisa McDonald
on July 17, 2022
Having lost all free thought and ability to think for themselves, the humans, were spirituality blind and asleep. They were disconnected from Self and the beauty which once surrounded them.
Like obedient pack dogs the humans questioned nothing. They believed anything, everything and all they were told and heard. The people stood six feet apart while detached from their true essence, each other and their Sacred High Heart and Luminous Soul.
Like hungry vultures patiently hovering and waiting for their prey to perish, a plethora of surveillance cameras hung from the otherwise stark ceilings of the grocery store. With eagle eye precision, the metal vultures peered down at the sleepy human zombies and monitored their every move. Avoiding eye contact, the zombies did not talk and did not smile.
Similar to hefty hogs wallowing in a cesspool of fecal matter, the people embraced meaningless materialism to fill the cavernous void within their hearts and Souls. They forgot about the Great Mother…Mother Earth, the forests and the trees, the beaches and the creeks, the mountains and the deserts. Their ears no longer heard the beautiful songs of the birds, and their skin no longer felt the gentle breeze tickle their soft cheeks. The crisp clean fresh air was now heavy dank and dark and the once flowing water, stagnant and motionless.
This was the time when the people had given away their power and lost their way...the Way. The Way of the Sacred High Heart and Luminous Soul. The Way to the ultimate spiritual awakening where unconditional love, inner peace and ultimate joy was available for all seekers.
The paradox lives. The apocalypse is nigh. The great awakening is nigh. One by one the people begin to awaken from their death-like slumber. Young and old. Rich and poor. White and black…they began to awaken.
One by one, the people began to regain their thoughts and no longer sought outside themselves for the answers. They began to question everything they saw and heard. Most importantly, the people desired to open their hearts and reconnect with each other.
The zombies, tired of remaining lost, desired to find their way home. The home of their Sacred High Heart and Luminous Soul, the true way. As the humans slowly recalled the The Great Remembering, they awoke from their deep slumber and slept no more.
The Great Remembering inspired the people to return to childlike innocence…back to their Sacred High Heart, Luminous Soul, Mother Earth, and create a new earth and a new way of being.
Dimension: 1080 x 1453
File Size: 481 Kb
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