Raven White Dove
on September 30, 2020
This is the infected truth right here. It is not the rise in one person to power. It is not the shadow government that seemingly holds all the power over the masses. It is the apathetic, unwise, dependent followers that offer the power to the madness. They feed it, nurture it while violating their own brethren, their own humanity and their own souls betraying everything possible, sovereign and free in the process.
Apathy is the absolute betrayal of other humans, of nature, this planet and the souls of themselves, the inert, in order to play small, to play in the vast sea of victim/victimizer for a pittance of security and a moment of relief.
It is in our neighbors we can find unity or we can find hell. Once you find a true comrade, love into that soul. They are your true family walking with you home.
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