Mark A Calmes
on September 30, 2020
Donald Trump does remind me a great deal of General George S. Patton. General Patton was a very egotistical man that had a straightforward way of telling it like it was. He suffered persecution from an unfriendly media and did not tolerate the political norm that made no sense to him. He was a "gitter done" leader that had no problem stepping on anyone that got in his way. President Donald J. Trump and General George S. Patton both had the kind of strong personalities that would offend the weak at heart and often be misunderstood and misquoted while they were in the process of saving America. Patton was a rough and gruff leader that was needed to win WW2, and Trump is the raging bull that is needed to save this country, and like the era of WW2, there is far too much at stake for us to worry about peoples feelings getting hurt. Trump's less than sweet personality and strong will to win is what is needed to save this country from the same type of evil that threatened this country in WW2.
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