Gordon Burling
on September 30, 2020
So you should pay attention to what is said here, and it's important to check the videos in the links provided.
It is also important to share this around, as everybody in this country deserves to know the reality of what is being imported in mass numbers. Even the people who are extremely brainwashed and oblivious to the horrible state Canada is in right now. Yes, the people who are indoctrinated to hate this nation, deserve to be given some truth too. If they decide to dismiss it and claim it to be the new media attack word "conspiracy", than so be it. At least you tried.
Now, Canada is going to be taking 50 "asylum seekers" (orchestrated invaders) from a Greek "refugee" (orchestrated invader) camp.
50 is a small number. But what this 50 actually is, is 50 with their families. Which could mean up to 1000 people. Possibly more. Which is still actually a relatively small number. But! Add that 50 to 1000 migrants (orchestrated invaders) to the hundreds of thousands that have already entered our soil, and to the millions more that the the Trudeau Liberals have promised to take in under the "United Nations Global Migration Compact" in the coming years, and you should realize that we are on the fast track to becoming nothing more than a horrible gutter.
Now, what they are doing here is, claiming these people need to come here because this camp burned down... bullocks! It was set ablaze.
This has been happening for years and years at the "refugee" (orchestrated invader) camps.
What happens is, the EU (European Union) sets up droves of invaders to enter Europe through the Greek border, they stay in these camps as the globalist controlled media, and globalist politicians in each European country, projects propaganda to the masses that makes them feel sympathy for them.
You've seen it all before. Scripted photos with crisis actors that usually portrays scared looking women with their crying babies on rafts begging for help.
Or sometimes they will show you a man in distress begging for help...
Like in this video right here. A crisis actor pretends to be drowning, while a professional videographer films him and other people splash water to give it that high quality hollywood production value. Haha.
This manipulates the people to elect scumbags who claim to be fighting for those "poor souls", while accusing others who speak the actual truth as "racists".
As this goes on, the "migrant" (orchestrated invader) camps are basically just fighting aged males, who cause chaos. They complain about the living conditions and burn the places down. Thus forcing citizens to pay major tax dollars to house them in hotels and even brand new buildings.
It happens again and again and again.
Here is an article from 2017 that contains videos of these "asylum seekers" (orchestrated invaders) burning down a camp while cheering like savages.
Getting back to the current situation where Canada will be taking "refugees" (orchestrated invaders) from the Greek "migrant" (orchestrated invader) camp, the Canadian ambassador of Greece, Mark Allen stated that the people from the camp that are coming to Canada, are victims of torture and abuse.... not so much.
Here is video of them watching the camp that they just lit up, burn down.
Funny thing is, for being such "poor refugees" that come from nothing (whose ginormous monthly government checks and housing costs you will now be paying for with your hard earned money in the form of tax dollars), they're all filming the fire on their nice big iPhones. Lol. You'll notice they are all fighting aged men too.
Now here they are, protesting that they don't want the camp rebuilt, and demanding to brought to better places... as you know from the whole point of this post, they got their way and Canada is coming through for them... disgusting.
This past February, things became incredibly hectic at the Greek border. The EU in conjunction with Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, began a new attack on Europe via the Greek border. A massive invasion of "migrants" (orchestrated invaders).
Greece said "No!" and defended their border to keep them out. They had enough of their own country being destroyed and used as a stepping stone for these attackers to embark on and ruin the rest of Europe.
A fight at the border went on for over a month.
Here is some video clips of that fighting taking place. You will see that it is absolute madness, and it is ridiculously MIND BOGGLING that Canada is importing them in mass numbers. You will once again notice that they are 99.9% fighting aged men.
Sadly, somehow the evil EU won this battle. I don't know how, but Greece eventually caved and opened the doors for them.
Every video posted in this piece are exceptionally important for you to watch so you can get a glimpse at what your not too distant future beholds, and although all of the ones up to this point show you some very disturbing incidents, these next two are perhaps more important to see than anything else. They will truly show you the character of these "migrants" (orchestrated invaders) and give you real incite into their minds.
Here you have a fine young gentleman. Definitely going to be an upstanding citizen who cares for his community... hahaha.
He's just telling you what he plans on doing to you, which is kill you!
Worst part about this is that he is most likely in his mid 20's. But as you know, Canada is not vetting any of these "refugees" (orchestrated invaders) as they enter our country. They are allowing them all in, no questions asked.
So this guy will probably claim to be 15 or 16 years old, and he will be placed in high school. Doesn't that just make you so ecstatic that he will be sitting right next to your children? Right next to your daughter?
Now this one here, is the most disgusting thing you will ever see in your life.
The "asylum seekers" (orchestrated invaders) use toddler aged children as sympathy tools. They hold a young girl over a smoky fire pit to burn her while what may be the one single woman "migrant" (orchestrated invader) seems to coach her on how to cry. They do this so they can go to the Greek border guards to garner compassion so they can be allowed in.
I know that the common thing to think when seeing this is "we must bring that kid into our country so we can help her and give her a better life". But once you understand the ideology of the people she is coming from, you know that's insane and irresponsible.
That kid is being trained to hate your way of life, hate your family, and hate you!
Worst part is, none of that matters because she is probably here by now with those who are training her in that mindset. They are either here, or in some European country that was once amazing and now a horror show mess.
These next few years are going to be detrimental for Canada. Not enough people are smartened up to the reality of what is happening. So many are indoctrinated into believing that we must lay down and give everything up, or if we don't, we are disgsuting "white supremacists". It's absurd where we are at. The only way to fight this nonsense is to raise awareness however we can. It's not easy to do when our absolute worst enemies (the people in control of the country) are doing whatever they can to keep us silent. It's an ass backwards, twilight zone world we have become.
Regardless, you still have to do what you can. If you don't, you're doing a horrible disservice to those around you.
I don't consider myself to be a journalist in any way, shape, or form. Never claimed to be one. But I think we could all agree that this post here, has given you more actual journalism, than any of Canada's propaganda machines (ctv, cbc, global, city tv, ect...) EVER has.
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