Shelley Thiemann
on July 10, 2022
As you may have noticed from my profile, I am a huge advocate for medical cannabis. What you may of not noticed is that I have brain damage due to the drugs they used to treat epilepsy. I went through 11 different medications and then was told that I have a type of Epilepsy that does not respond to medication. I was told to get my affairs in order because the next seizure could be my last or the next one. At this time medical cannabis had just become legal in Canada and I have a nursing background with nothing to lose. Still here a decade later and have had the privilege to work with educating the public about the benefits of medical cannabis.
I still have a brain lesion that wraps around my one hippocampus and the other one is missing 80% of its mass. Btw that is your memory center. Brain damage took the right frontal lobe during a 30 min status seizure in a seizure unit in the hospital.
The reason I share this with you is that even after all that I found a purpose in life. To use my voice and my platform for change. However I can not do that in my normal platforms like twitter and Instagram.
Anything we say about our wanker Prime Minister Trudeau is banned. I would be deleted from just speaking my mind. I have enough shit to deal with without the political bs going on. I live in the province where Keystone starts and really would of benefited the US. I just filled my pickup for 195 wtf. I am so sick of this madness and we need to clean house.
Done venting and have a lovely evening.
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