Tammy Ackerman
on July 10, 2022
I believe the us people have messed up big time. Biedien is destroying our country its going to hell!!! He has no backbone he is a coward and he needs to he removed from that position he is senile and suffers dementia I'm sure and this is the person leading our country God help us all!!! If Putin starts in on Alaska we are done!!! Now Ukraines war will also be ours if Trump don't get back in there and stand up for our country we are in trouble U.S. We need Trump back in office to straighten out the world mess. I feel as though Trump from the git go would have solved Ukraine/Russia War. I know Trump would have done the right thing. You all so busy trying to find fault with the man instead of admiring the no bull-shit attitude he has for the fellow dumb ass. Bieden is going to get us all killed sorry to say this I'm a lady but he is a "pussy no backbone no balls!!!!
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