Stephen Hickman
on July 9, 2022
Many undiscerning Anon on Truth Social have other conservatives banned, who do not agree with their Q inspired and conveniently ANONYMOUS propaganda. I was banned for posting Q=QUUUAAAAACK and Anon need to get a life🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆Anon are TOXIC to President Trump. Anon did much damage to his campaign in the media during 2020. Many Anon do not realize they are being USED to disseminate lies and misinformation. Trump supporters such as myself can affirm the fact that many Anon are genuinely patriotic. However, they are less than discerning when it has come to certain claims from Q. They need to remove themselves from President Trump’s way in the media as 2024 approaches. They need to VOTE 45 in 2024 AND STOP THE ATTENTION-SEEKING in the media! In other words…QUUUAAAAACK-OFF and STOP drawing undue attention to YOURSELVES!
Also, PRACTICE what you PREACH on TRUTH SOCIAL! I had NON-STOP phone harassment for 48 hours straight with non-stop calls recently. After I QUUUAAAAACKED them for their hypocrisy on TRUTH SOCIAL, they joined together in large numbers and had me BANNED from the platform! FASCISM IS FASCISM FOLKS! We are used to these tactics from SOCIALISTS on the Left, but some undiscerning ANON have proven themselves just as TOXIC.
Get your undiscerning ACT TOGETHER folks! I love President Trump and are more conservative than YOU ARE. However, Many Anon are in DENIAL about the numerous significant utterances of Q that did not materialize in 2020! YET, you have people like ME banned from TRUTH SOCIAL for calling Q out for the various lies many Anon have spread, either knowingly or unknowingly. In my opinion, many Anon are BEING USED by foreign entities, and the CHINESE are laughing their pants-off at how GULLIBLE you can be! Q=QUUUAAAAACK🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🐔Anon PLEASE GET A LIFE!q
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