Stephen Hickman
on July 7, 2022
Stephen Hickman while I have the upmost respect for you, I have to admit the energy you spend bashing Q Anon is puzzling. The problem this country is faced with is solely the result of leftist, satanic, Marxist policy's put in place by what some people comically refer to as the democratic party. No, I am not a Q Anon follower and to be honest I don't know that I'm familiar with any of the fabricated tales spun by the group. Personally I think you should let this go and concentrate your wrath on the real problem.
MY RESPONSE TO Michael Kenyon:
EXCELLENT feedback Michael. I appreciate you! I I also respect and admire you fb presence….I am concerned and post extensively on several fronts online:
1) Vs. Socialism 2) LGBTQ(sometimes Y and W). 3) Democrat corruption. 4) Liberal so-called Christianity. 5) Politicized science such as man-made climate change. 6) Apologetics and giving a defense of the Christian faith. 7) Sharing the love of CHRIST JESUS. 8) Getting 45 back in office, 😎 AND YES…Q and Anon.
I am more concerned about Anon as the political season for 2022-24 draws upon us. Also, many Anon profess to be Christians, but they are NOT terribly discerning about their conveniently ANONYMOUS fearless leader Q. Also, in my view, Anon interfered with the liberal media in 2020 and provided distraction in President Trump’s media opportunities. Q then spread misinformation thru ANON relative to JAN 6. THEY SPREAD FALSE HOPE.
Another huge concern I have is: 1) A foreign entity, (hostile to the US) may be using patriotic Americans involved in ANON. 2) This is done by FALSE MESSAGING to weaken true conservatives and Trump, especially in the media. Just something to be aware of my friend.
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