John Richards
on July 5, 2022
Heartbreaking and anger are the only terms that come to mind with the Highland Park, IL Independence Day Parade murders. Police are calling it a "random act of violence". Random my ass!!!. Just look at this photo and think of what kind of little twinkie committed this crime at a a celebration of the birth of our nation.
Look at the ink this twit adorned himself with to express his view of his fellow countrymen and women. (A picture I might add that came from ABC News.)
Consider if you will the circumstances of being a rooftop sniper. The rifle he used to commit the crime. The twinkie acquired that. He planned it. He armed himself, of his own free will for it. Yes, the seeds of his actions were planted by others. Those others were anti-American liberals and anarchists (also widely known as the press). The shooter was just a tool and a fool of the gun grabbing liberals and their ultimate agenda. Just look at him. He is no man! Hell, I have to question if he's even human or just a fly on the wall that we dispatch to the land of the 'unbreathing' with a flyswatter.
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