The Cairo Curmudgeon
on July 4, 2022
Squirrels. Sure can educate us old folks much easier than most. Yes, he got me. Good. When I went out this morning for coffee, he scampered outta his tree brandishing his little flag, and said "Happy Freedom Day". I told him we call it Independence Day. That's when my education by a tree rodent began. Yes, he scrolls through social media, and catches a program or two once in awhile. He's picked up the sorry state of education in our country, especially in spelling and the bastardization of our language. Now, he went on a rant. He started with people that call this the Fourth. That, according to him, really means nothing special or specific, and permits people to just party and grill things without recognizing the original intent of the holiday. The same ones who don't even know how many stars are on our flag or the reason they're off work, if they do. Most of them don't/won't, and he went on his soap box about THAT next.
"You humans have butchered words too much ! You've dropped the "in" and turned it into dependent's day, just another day for freebies and more handouts from a government who's abrogated their fiduciary responsibility at taxpayer's expense. Dependence on unscrupulous politicians during an election year that you have to pay back for generations. The ones who prostituted the Sixteenth Amendment then properly followed it up with the 17th., a license to buy elections at our expense now. Now, coupled with decades of social studies instead of civics, and less concentration on reading instead of following doctrine, the differences y'all have is because you don't know the various manipulations of words. Words like dependence, dependent, independence, etc. I could teach your kids better than teachers today! I'm a squirrel! A dang tree climbing squirrel! Tree rodent! SQUIRREL! At least I listened and learned since this human arrived here, but don't tell him that."
So, from George and all of us here in the woods, Happy Freedom Day in recognition of those who stood up to tyranny, oppression, and authoritarianism. The rest of society? Hope you burn your hot dogs!
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