on July 2, 2022
Independence Day.
Usually, Independence Day is to celebrate the freedom our Forefathers set forth along with the Patriots from Tyranny of British rule.
Of course, the USA didn't do everything right the first time, we made our mistakes. But instead of dwelling on them, we learned from them.
Not everyone understands what this day means. Nor do some understand the sacrifice many gave to give us this day, and also kept fighting for years to come.
Yes, the world keeps changing since mankind has been around. But the 21st Century seems to have brought change faster and smarter. But the word smarter comes in different forms. We are smarter with technology, but we have become more sensitive to how we react.
Some of us are old school. We live by the old school ways. Just in our blood. I see nothing wrong with it, we may not understand fully the new world for which we live, but we try and understand.
This Country fought for one thing, freedom. Freedom for all.
Maybe if people tried stopping the blame game and stood up and took responsibility for their own actions, then maybe things will get better.
This weekend I am not talking Politics. I am talking Ethics. Listen with your ears and talk from the heart. Try keeping hate out of your life for one weekend. Maybe you might hear something that hits your heart in a way you never understood before.
I am a proud American. I think America is great! We just need to learn to work with each other to keep the land of the free and home of the brave.
Enjoy yourself this weekend. You should, it is why they fought, for you to feel free.
If you are a true hearted American, then you know all this can be fixed. We have shown that year after year.
God Bless America, for you are my home.
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David Thornhill
I understand your sentiment, but enemy doesn't. There many who trying to destroy from within.
July 2, 2022
Squirrelnutz replied - 1 reply