Amber Asher
on July 2, 2022
you see it had nothing to do with race. It wasn't until the tower of Babel when people were give different races and different skin colors.
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Actually people had different skin colors by the time of Noah's Ark. Japheth was light-skinned, Shem was of a medium-complexion and Ham was dark-skinned. However, Canaan was a lighter skin color, like Shem. Evidence of skin colors are vividly displayed in Egyptian records along with the tribal de... View More
July 2, 2022 Edited
Amber Asher
Amber Asher replied - 1 reply
Amber Asher
8 people were Saved on the Ark and they were the only people on the entire earth and that was Noah & his wife and Noah's 3 sons & their wives & Noah's grandson Canaan was conceived on the Ark.
July 3, 2022 Edited