Thomas Mick
on September 29, 2020
I have yet to find a religion having adherents with open minds. Much blood has been shed in the name of some god by people claiming to know the mind of the Creator.
The creation is an expression of love by the Creator, yet man is doing his best to destroy this world in his quest to control his fellow man. That is the truth... backed by millennia of history.
Stop complying with things you know are harming yourself and others. Stop asking permission to do things the Creator already gave you a right to do. Stop tolerating the intolerable out of fear of what man might do to you. Do what you know in your heart is right.
Learn the truth about your past by listening to the Spirit as you're guided by that still small voice and the evidence is revealed all around you. We are in a time of awakening to who and what we are... fear not.
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