Glenda Madaris Czaplinski
on June 25, 2022
Say what you will about Trump.
The fact is...he vowed to protect the children.
The Supreme Court decision!on abortion was 6-3 today (or 5-4 depending on the site posting the info due to one Justice only agreeing to a portion of the decision).
Yes, I know the controversy of Trump and the vile injections but, for today, we celebrate this particular battle that was won.
Who placed the Justices whose votes determined today’s outcome?
👉President Trump.
“The Outsider to the Establishment”.
As we recall, the Liberals decimated Kavanaugh with their lies and attacks in their attempt to keep him off the Supreme Court.
They did more of their dirty work against Amy Coney Barrett and Neil Gorsuch.
Thankfully, for now at least, justice has overcome the evil practice of legal abortion.
The Resident-Bye-den has vowed to pass an Executive Order or some other decree while Nancy Pelosi is already claiming she will work to have the “full power of Congress” to pass legislation to keep abortion legal.
Any of these beings that come up with laws/legislation/Executive Orders to once again legalize abortion would be violating the Constitution so....we’d see how that all shakes out/stands up in court.
Anyone fighting to keep abortion—including letting a baby be born and die on the table....are part of a vile, demonic agenda that involves using babies for anti-aging practices, science research, medical procedures —using tissue, cells, organs, arms, legs etc...for their evil agenda.
It’s a multi billion dollar industry.
Bye-den, Pelosi, liberal leaning Congressional members...they don’t give one whit of care about the women they claim they are protecting.
👉They care about the money.
Pure and simple.
Always the money....
All the people telling us how deceived we are to think Trump truly represents us and fighting the liberal evil?
They can take a look at what happened today via the Supreme Court and who nominated those judges.
And puh-leeze let’s bypass the young people comments that I inevitably get regarding my “being deceived and put trust in no man” just because I say Trump helped accomplish something huge.
I’ve seen the pics of Trump with Free Mason hand comm’s plus the same two or three pics of Trump standing next to Epstein at a fund raiser etc.
That doesn’t convince me of anything. I look at actions that support we, the people.
Many evil leaders have put on a good show pretending to represent us.
I look at actions not “comm’s”
Trump has done more to fight evil against children than anyone before him.
I put my faith in God.
But I also believe God gives direction to those open to receiving His guidance.
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