9,1.21People talk about draining the swamp, without knowing what the swamp actually is.So lets look at exactly what the swamp is.The swamp is a sespool of corruption that has been brought into existence by various politicians over the past one hundred years. It is inhabited by nasty creatures ranging from pelosi and biden, cocain mitch, McCarthy, to Trudeau in Canada, macron in France and the pope in Italy. There are also creatures that have prooven useful to the main inhabitants such as china, islam and leaders in a few smaller nations and the hidden actors that are never seen or mentioned. So you see the swamp doesn't exist in Washington DC it encompasses the entire world. In order to truly drain the swamp doesn't mean just getting rid of the swamp monsters in DC, you must also get rid of the rest as well or you have only bought a short time before it all returns.R.M.
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