The Cairo Curmudgeoness
on June 21, 2022
I have realized just how blessed my life has been. In my youth, my parents taught me NOTHING is more important than God and family. Moving around taught me adaptability. It also allowed me to experience many different cuisines, from down home country food to seafood to .....
In college, I learned to expand my horizons, to think outside the box. I am still in touch with many of my friends from 40+ years ago. If the truth be told we really don't have much in common anymore. What still binds us are the shared memories of our youth.
After working for a number of years and earning professional designations I was set up on a blind date. Two ships passing in the night, 3 months later we were married. We are still together 33 years later.
We discovered that we needed to share a purpose in life, to have a shared vision. We chose to adapt and live our lives with a purpose. That has allowed us our happiness!
What is YOUR purpose? Find your purpose, share your purpose and you will find your happiness.
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Kay wads
Is everything ok? I haven’t received a post from any of you for many weeks but perhaps FB jail, computer glitches put me so far behind I missed em
September 8, 2022
Kay wads
Kay wads replied - 3 replies