The Cairo Curmudgeoness
on June 20, 2022
     I hope you are a subscriber to your Congressional Representative's newsletter.  It doesn't matter whether or not you support your Representative's views.  It will give you insight into the actual "workings" of Congressional Committees.
     I read my Representative's newsletter on Friday afternoon.  He sits on the Homeland Security committee. He described the latest attempt
by the current administration to silence those who disagree.  You will recall the Justice Department seemly labeling parents as "domestic terrorists" or the failed Disinformation Governance Board.  Now Homeland Security has given at least 1 grant ($550,000) to Dr. Kurt Braddock to further his research into stochastic terrorism. He believes that classic examples of a stochastic terrorist would include Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson.
     You might wonder how stochastic terrorism is defined.
     "The public demonization of a person or group
       resulting in the incitement of a violent act which is
       statistically probable but whose specific actions
       can not be predicated."
     Combine this latest definition of a terrorist with the new task force whose mission it is to outline ways to combat on-line "hate and bullying" of women and LGBTQ+.  Add in a little spice with the federal push for Red Flag Laws.  Ummm.... folks, we need to open our eyes to what is truly happening.  Our gut reactions are not off-base.  
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