Bruce Hinote
on June 19, 2022
Dimension: 586 x 487
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Don Morelli
So if it takes 3600 gallons of fuel to harvest just 1 million pounds of earth to use to refine then make 2 Tesala batteries out of ok so 120 batteries will coast what 30,840gallons of fuel to harvest just the raw materials needed that's just one material not include immisioms carbon climate will be ... View More
June 19, 2022
Don Morelli
We need a business man back in white house not a career liar for hire that is what Joe Biden is nothing more slow deranged estranged and causing way to much pain at the pump we have the right to remove this astigmatism of a president he is unfit and cheated stop coddling this queer and prosecute now... View More
June 19, 2022
Madelyn Davis
Bruce Hinote, Happy Father's Day. First, you have to have a brain! Oh my, that's horrible!!!
June 19, 2022