Jack Fuller
on June 19, 2022
Why as Americans do we reward failure in life? This chart from 2003 gives us a snapshot of where American high school teenagers were intellectually at at that stage of their lives. Now don't get me wrong. People change and are continually growing. But by 2008, the Democratic Party had the chance to select the best and brightest as their leader. And they statistically, they picked among the worst in society. People wonder where Obozo came from. Aside from joking about him coming from the depths of Hell, I feel that America began to trend in the wrong direction when the Democratic Party started to play race-based politics rather than merit-based politics. Historically, the Democratic Party tended to give minorities more opportunities than the Republican Party. Times have changed. I, a lifelong Democrat, started to see the direction of the Democratic Party when I saw that they decided to reward failure over hard work. The Democratic Party has become the party of racism. Will the Republican Party begin to open themselves to minorities who embrace true American values?
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