Roger Foust
on June 13, 2022
From the desk of an Average American Patriot
We hear all this bullshit about electric cars being green and good for the environment. Here is the truth.
1. Electric cars are bodies and frames are built primarily from two major components; Plastic and Aluminum.
2. Plastic is a petroleum product. 3 major types of plastic found in electric cars are- polypropylene, polyurethane, and PVC. It take 4 times the energy to produce 2lbs pf plastic that is does to produce 2lbs of steel.
3. Rubber Tires- Tires are a petroleum product. due to the weight of an electric car, special tires must be made. The typical electric car weighs about 1,500, 2,500lbs more than a comparable conventional car. Therefore electric car tires have up to 50% more rubber than tires for conventional cars. In addition, the tires degrade much more rapidly than conventional tires. The heavy start, stop and side loads produced by electric vehicles create such extreme wear that the tires are averaging around 20,000 miles before replacement is required. Replacement costs at this time run about 30% to 50% higher.
4. Aluminum- Very light but very expensive to produce. It takes 15 kilowatt hours to produce 2lbs of aluminum. Compared to 2.5 kilowatt hours to produce 2lbs of steel. Aluminum is not an ore found by itself in the ground. It is mixed in with many other materials and has to be separated from the other materials before it can be processed. Steel ore is mined from the ground with much less non usable material included.
Lithium Battery- Lithium batteries are very volatile. There have been numerous report, worldwide of electric car, buses, scooters, bikes and moped fires caused by lithium batteries. In addition to the danger of the fires themselves, local fire departments do not have the equipment needed to extinguish these fires. One California home was destroyed after their Tesla caught fire in their garage. An apartment in Colorado was destroyed and other damaged when a battery powered scooter caught fire in the apartment living room.
Here are some other particulars about lithium;
1. 15 tons of CO2 is created for every ton of lithium mined.
2. It takes between 10-16 tons of CO2 to produce 1 Tesla battery.
3. 500,000 gallons of water is required to produce 1 tone of lithium.
4. Companies inject hydrochloric acid into the ground to extract lithium.
5. Lithium Mining is highly toxic to the environment. reports from around the world cite dead fish, ruined fresh water wells and toxic rivers. A Lithium mine in Nevada, was reported to have killed fish in over 150 miles of a river.
So as I have shown, the argument of electric cars being environmentally friendly is simply a lie. It is a lie that our planet cannot support. The next time one of your friends talks about buying an electric vehicle, tell them these facts.
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