Welcome to my Facebook Page....... umm wait no restart, refrest!Welcome to my WimKin Page!I am an activist/ speaker who has been in the truth & patriot community for about 6 years or so now. I have always been "Patriotic" but in the past 6 years I have become really politically active. I have thousands of people who I can say I personally helped wake up to the truth under my belt. It wasn't easy, it never is. But I am not going to quit, give up or back down!I seriously know what it takes to lead, but not only that, I know how to truly fix our current situation overnight if I had a 10 million man army behind me ready to do whatever it takes to restore this Constitutional Republic.We could easily rip power from the Washington D.C. (City State) Swamp Rats & restart a whole new Federal Government. How or why? Firstly because we can, read our preamble to our Constitution.We need to revise & add things to our current Amendments i.e. our First Amendment needs to keep Tech Social Media Platforms in check.If I were to become leader the first thing I'd go after is the Federal Reserve & Dismantle it & Abolish Usury. Set up our own money system backed by our own hard work & labour. Print our own so we don't have interest debt to pay to anybody.
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