The Cairo Curmudgeoness
on June 10, 2022
Ok, ok, I admit I might be a bit stubborn. Lord knows, my mama TRIED to turn me into a demure lady. You know, pinky finger raised, ballet class, soft spoken.... Oops, it didn't exactly stick. My father decided I needed riding and jumping lessons, loved it. I skied in the winter, played golf and tennis, worked in the garden, drove the tractor. I wasn't very good at sports but had some fun!
You are wondering if this is going anywhere, I know. Well yeh it is. My father also taught me how to change tires. He wasn't going to have any daughter of his get stuck on the side of the road! Oh, if I can avoid it I will but I KNOW I don't HAVE to depend on anyone if I have a flat. I also learned a little self defense. Your heel or knee to a certain portion of the male anatomy can be quite effective.
The truth is, we have a RESPONSIBILITY to teach our children some BASICS. How to change a tire, how to kick where it counts, how to cook a basic meal (from scratch), how to mend a hole. It is time that we speak up and not get lost in the weeds.
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