Roger Foust
on June 10, 2022
From the desk of the average American patriot.
Think about this this for a minute when it comes to gas prices.
1> The vast majority of Oil and natural gas in America comes from wells ON PRIVATE LAND.
2> The Feds have no authority to block production from wells on private land. Yet most of these well have stopped production.
3> ALL Oil and Gas refineries ARE PRIVATELY OWNED. The Feds do not own or control any refinery. Yet a large portion of these refineries are shutdown.
Why is this happening you might ask yourself? The answer is that the large oil and gas companies are in bed with the feds. The feds threaten them and if they don't comply, the Feds will shut off their exploration subsidies. That is interesting because the only NEW exploration is on Federal land and the communists have already closed that off. So something else is afoot here. This is my take, If the oil companies can ride out this lunatic administration until November, they are hopeful that the repubicans will reopen the pipelines. However they also know that prices will never be $2.50/gallon again so they will make billions in the end.
Bottom line: The Fucking of the American people will continue as it always has, no matter whose holds the power in Washington.
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