The Cairo Curmudgeon
on June 6, 2022
I was contemplating writing about the proposal to raise the age to purchase a firearm to 21. I kept vapor locking, failing to understand what could possibly make them think we wouldn't see the incongruity in their logic. They want to LOWER the age to vote to 16, because this new generation is more educated than we were. They keep preaching that children as young as five should have the right to choose their gender and be allowed to commit atrocities to their bodies like breast/testicle removal in spite of parental objections. Complete with hormone therapies for life. Certain states are contemplating laws to prosecute parents who refuse to utilize their precious "kiddos" elected pronouns. Along with CRT and sex "education" theories offered by an unconstitutional federal governmental agency, they're purporting to reinvent the nuclear American family unit. Just look at the rewording proposed for Title IX , which actually negates the original purpose thereof.
While I was contemplating the obvious hypocrisy of drafting 18 year olds, but not allowing them to have guns at their "age of majority", it hit me. I went looking for a prepared meme for the definition of incongruous to post instead of my mug for a change. Yes, we ALL know it's nothing but an election year dodge from them, BUT the Fooler-In-Chief is stuck in high gear. The same guy who took an oath to support, uphold, and defend our Constitution against ALL enemies both foreign and domestic states the Amendments are not absolute, but wants to hire over 89,000 new IRS agents to support the 16th amendment. THAT argument proves it's not about anything but appeasing a tyrant. It's selective rebranding, or Pileofshe would already be on trial, with her BFF Chuckie. In the process of searching, I came across the below quote, and realized we're not the first to recognize the problem.
I couldn't have said it any better myself :
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