In honor of alphabet soup month, I made sure to make how I identify very clear to others. Since I had a doctor's appointment (where they still make you wear theatrical face diapers), I wanted to be sure my new doctor and staff had NO QUESTION on HOW I IDENTIFY. I wore the hat so they'd know how I identify, and I wore the shirt so they would easily categorize me into the correct community.When the security guard chased me off the elevator because I was not wearing a mask. I kindly complied with their rule, walked over to the security desk, picked up my much too large paper face diaper, thanked them for the free mask, and exclaimed "you know these don't work anyway." That was my first nasty look. I did not get one compliment on my "identity" attire. Don't people know it's alphabet soup month and we are supposed to be HYPER AWARE of how each and EVERY individual identifies? I thought I was doing everyone a favor and saving the public the hassle of asking me how they should address me. I'm surprised that people weren't excited to see I was wearing a shirt from an extremely famous Pittsburgh celebrity. I thought if people saw this was WENDY BELL merchandise, they would ask how they could get their own celebrity attire. In case anyone wants to know, just download the Wendy Bell Radio app and go to the merch tab. I own just about one of each. I have sweatshirts, tshirts and even a great mug! And now they have women's tanks for summer! You'd better check it out before they all sell out! You probably want to enjoy her 3 hour daily program while you are there as well!Surprisingly today, there were no inquiries on how to obtain such magnificent merch! All I got were crooked stares and snarls. Not even ONE smile or simple head nod. Hmm, I'm really perplexed. Maybe I'll get more smiles when they have the rainbow parade this month. Maybe I should attend.🤔
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Albert Whale
Carol Richezza
Non Bidenary 🤣🤣🤣