So I'm sure you all heard about the new bills being passed in Congress.THEY (US GOVERNMENT) is coming after everyone's guns.This new law will make EVERY SINGLE PERSON who owns guns an instant Criminal!And WE WILL go to PRISON! Now I have said this many times, I for one will NEVER COMPLY with their ILLEGAL BULLSHIT LAWS.Not NOW and not ever!This is HOW they meet their communist agenda.It will ONLY work..IF THEY CAN DISARM ALL OF US!WE AMERICANS right now are TRULY in for THE FIGHT OF OUR LIVES HERE!I'm sure some will cave because they're to scared to fight back.But I DO believe the BIG majority will NEVER surrender to their illegal act of tyranny.STAY THE COURSE! IT'S ONLY YOUR LIFE, AND YOUR CHILDREN'S LIFE'S, AND YOUR GRAND CHILDREN LIVES, TO DO IT FOR...
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Exactly why they want to lock everyone down with pandemic and gas shortages. Neigborhood armies get ready. Just thik how they did it in Germany going from city to city locking jews down in steps then hauled them off. They took it over city by city.