Donald e  Ruse
on May 30, 2022
Nancy pelosi denied communion. The pope isn't happy.
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Don Morelli
Still using what you thought me to heal and direct energy incredible his work wish I had money too afford to still follow him not innards I have lived a very miger live injured at work paralyzed yes I got up and walked still do 29 years later mindset is the difference what powerful are you if you mo... View More
May 30, 2022
Don Morelli
It is not the church it's people like Pelosi why I do my own healing and praying too Alha found more energy than I could imagine and how too use it too heal broken bone myself with knowing what part from tail bone too top of head what I am relieving. How and why it matters was so helpful I still fil... View More
May 30, 2022
Donald e  Ruse
Yep 👍
May 30, 2022