Friends, this is a forum for the truth; and as such, I feel obligated to tell you some very important truths. We are living in times like we've never seen before. Our wonderful country is so divided, color against color, ethnicity against ethnicity, Republicans verses Democrats; all insisting they are right. May I say that all the anger and hatred is tearing the country further apart.Now I know many of you will call me crazy, but I don't really care; but there were simpler times in our history, times that were less hateful, not perfect by any means, but not such a dangerous time.People were still open to God and could be touched by good preaching and were willing to listen and make changes where necessary. But thanks to the constant barrage of trash from Helliwood and TV, we've got ourselves in this current state of affairs. Judges 21:25 . . . every man did that which was right in his own eyes.Kids feel they are entitled to everything they want, after all they DESERVE it. We are told all the time we DESERVE a new home or car or credit or to have our debt forgiven; and what's sad many of us fall for it. Gone are days when people were content with what they had or could work to earn and save enough to buy. We live in a time of instant gratification, we've got to have what we want NOW! What I am suggesting is that we need take a pause and consider what God says in His Bible:Jeremiah 6:16 Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. We need to consider (stand ye in the ways) a return to a simpler lifestyle (the old paths) and cool our collective jets and get our heads on straight.We may hate the current administration with every fiber of our being, but the office still deserves some respect. We need to try to express our extreme displeasure without all the name calling and swearing, Americans are better than this. America deserves our best so some day these words can once more apply to all of us:MY COUNTRY TIS OF THEEMy country, ’tis of thee,Sweet land of liberty,Of thee I sing;Land where my fathers died,Land of the pilgrims’ pride,From every mountainside,Let freedom ring!My native country, thee,Land of the noble free,Thy name I love;I love thy rocks and rills,Thy woods and templed hills;My heart with rapture thrills,Like that above.Let music swell the breeze,And ring from all the trees,Sweet freedom’s song;Let mortal tongues awake;Let all that breathe partake;Let rocks their silence break,The sound prolong.Our fathers’ God, to Thee,Author of liberty,To Thee we sing;Long may our land be brightWith freedom’s holy light;Protect us by Thy might,Great God, Our King!AMERICA 1 O beautiful for spacious skies,for amber waves of grain;for purple mountain majestiesabove the fruited plain!America! America! God shed his grace on thee,and crown thy good with brotherhoodfrom sea to shining sea.2 O beautiful for heroes provedin liberating strife,who more than self their country loved,and mercy more than life!America! America! May God thy gold refine,till all success be nobleness,and every gain divine.ASK FOR THE OLD PATHS
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Eugene Hoppe
No Felix, I can promise you that the verses I used were given by God in response to error in people's thought. God's word is so rich it can be applied many of life's problems. I did just watch the video and I must say well done.

Eugene Hoppe
I'm sorry Mark, I didn't realize that any book compiled or written by man had greater or even equal authority as the perfect, pure, preserved, inspired, inerrant King James Bible. And GOD says in
Genesis 26:4 And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed al... View More

Eugene Hoppe
Mark, and therein lies the problem between you and me, whereas you apparently believe that the creator of all there is, the mighty God that spoke the universe and all that exists therein into existence is not able to say what He wants every man, woman, and child to know in easy to understand langua... View More