The Cairo Curmudgeon
on May 20, 2022
I really don't know what's caused the ignorance plague that's hit America. Now that Google's patented their psychological reprogramming protocol, I suspect they might've been experimenting up until now. Maybe it's drugs. Public schools. Carrying an information source to play games and take selfies with only? Acting like Pavlov's dog with every ringtone? Peer pressure? Maybe it's something they're putting in our food. Check the ingredients on any bread wrapper ! " Contains bioengineered food ingredients".Yet, nobody knows. Too much government control over our lives? People just too busy staying broke and overtaxed? Yet, they can believe a man can get pregnant, and we need more government control over our lives so we can all "live in peace and harmony".
When I was on the debate team in the 60's, we were told the topic for Friday night's debate on Monday. Friday night, a coin was flipped to determine whether our team debated "for" or "against" the issue. You HAD to be well versed on BOTH sides to be fully prepared. Most of the people who follow this page grew up with the same teaching. Get the FULL story or you can get embarrassed real quick. Nowadays, it takes several search engines and plenty of homework to get the truth that isn't manipulated or propagandized by certain sites. Some that USED to be good aren't anymore, selling out to threats of censorship, cancellation, or becoming bottom feeders because they refused to capitulate. No big deal, I go to the bottom of the results most times anyways. Then, I collate the facts and run them up against my morals and integrity for my opinion.
That's precisely why this meme is so accurate to me and the members of this community. We trust, but verify. THEY only spout bastardized items and revert to the filthiest vocabulary should they get confronted by the likes of us. No big deal. We're USED to it. Doesn't change the truth !
Dimension: 526 x 515
File Size: 49.05 Kb
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