Ric Dee
on May 19, 2022
Most of you, who are interested in facts and truth, already intuitively know that the ☠️💉 has kïlled more US military age men than 3 wars. Only an anti-American coup, which is occupying the Federal Government, would kïll its victimized citizens. “ Among young working ages where excess mortality has risen recently, there have been are more excess deaths than we suffered through our wars in Vietnam, Korea and the Middle East combined. Covid deaths not a significant factor for this age group.” Aaron Kheriaty
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Will Jones
As prophesied, "Idumean Gog," Christ-killing, demon-possessed Rome and the false-Jews, are attacking America, God's prophesied "Israel Restored," the "Promised Land" "of unwalled villages" attacked by Gog, Ezek. 38:11 - Esau's descent by his Canaanite sodomite wives, from the cities of Gog and Magog... View More
May 19, 2022