Robert Combs
on May 18, 2022
Hey all, morning and hope everyone is having a good start to the day.
I'm posting this a little later than I had planned but I had some personal issues to deal with and I'm back and hoping to get some traction going with increasing our interaction, reach and helping get wimkin out there with the other platforms showing them free speech is possible when people truly mean to support it.
I've spoken to Jason and he's onboard with the idea so I ask anyone who is up to building a network with me to please comment below and share to get the word out. If you have any suggestions please feel free to comment below and let's work together to beat the censorship most of us have felt over the years.
Tagged a few, hopefully you guys are onboard
#FreedomOfSpeech is non - negotiable
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Would be great if some of the groups and pages I've created, that does just what is mentioned here would have more exposure!!? Like the - REAL WAR NEWS group
May 18, 2022
Vicky Hyle
Vicky Hyle replied - 4 replies
Robert Combs I must say they're some serious shortcomings on this platform!!! The post on public groups when shared on some other network like Facebook or other social sites, even Facebook messenger they can't be seen unless they sign-up on Most people they're not going to sign up on... View More
May 19, 2022