Political Porn 1
on May 17, 2022
Our New World Order~ Removing the socioecomic classes. Eliminating all of it! Creating a world of nothingness. A classless society.......
No differences. No distinctions. No controversy. No diverseness.
Isn't this what you wanted?
Surveillance everywhere. Watching your every move. Hearing your every word. Seeing your every text. Knowing every dime you spend and where. Knowing who you are with and when.
Isn't that what you want?
Act, speak, look, or believe different than anyone else, they will see it. They will hear it. They will know it.
You will become a prisioner. The only place that will be safe, is in your head...... at least for now..........
I will ask again~ are you sure this is what you want?
If not, only we the people can stop it!
Dimension: 199 x 253
File Size: 8.86 Kb
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