Political Porn 1
on May 16, 2022
Lady Justice~
She was blindfolded for a reason. She is blindfolded because justice is supposed to be unbiased and should not be based on the apperance of a person nor by outside influences. Her scales represent impartiality of the court's decision and her sword as a symbol of power in justice.
There is NO JUSTICE IN OUR CURRENT JUSTICE DEPARTMENT! It is a system that has been taken over. Taken over by and controlled by outside influencers at the city, county, state and federal levels.
The blindfold shows us what our justice system is actually blind to.
It is time to remove the blindfold from Lady Justice in order for her to see the reality of what is happening in our great nation and across the globe.
Dimension: 1536 x 1536
File Size: 304.81 Kb
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