🇨🇴KILLING AND BURNING SOUTH AMERICAN BODIES IN AMERICA🇺🇸Of all the traumatic things that happened in South America during my time with the Medellin cartel. I can fairly say it was the organ harvesting that was the most traumatizing, but it was what happened in America in Arkansas on government land and Oklahoma on an Indian reservation that kept me up at night growing up. Because not only was it horrible it was happening on American ground government ground no less. As a kid, I could never imagine that these types of things were going. The sight of the burning pit filled with the bodies of the leftover South Americans that the powers that be didn't see fit to fly back to their countries with the proper paperwork. The ones that refused to leave and wanted to stay in America could only stay to be killed. On the way back from the airstrikes on the Medellin cartel housing in the army transport plane that Oliver North flew I can remember the horrific sight of the smoke coming up over the horizon and recall noticing that no more than a few miles away was a busy highway that had everyday Americans driving up and down the highway in both lanes oblivious to the fact that I the smokestack in the skyline was human bodies being brunt on government ground some men women and children were flown here by our government to be with and take part in the military training and exercise necessary for a revolution of democracy that was to end up changing the globe as we knew it in the 1980s by putting a country ruled by democracy on the South American continent. That turned into a revolution of democracy that never got its feet off the ground and ended up burning the bodies of the people that were taking part in this government operation. Then get rid of any trace of its existence yet always leaving eyewitnesses to living out their lives knowing full well what the United States government is capable of. As the remains of the people burned and they shot and put the rest of the bodies in the pit in Arkansas I felt helpless to do anything about it. Then Stephen Shaffer said we had to go to Oklahoma to do the same thing to the ones left there. In Oklahoma not only did I see the South Americans being herded outside in a field to be shot and put into a military metal pit for burning used in crematorium type situations. This pit was smaller and mobile as they put it on a military oversized load tractor-trailer and sent it down the highway that I managed to get off of the government ground there and stop the traffic on one side of the highway by running in front of and stopping a white oversized load eighteen-wheeler that turns out had delivered the land management equipment that was to be used in erasing even the footprints of the South Americans on the land by totally turning up the ground then stamping it back down as if getting it ready for some completely new use. Gary Webb contacted me in 1996 and ask me to speak about my experiences shortly after I agreed he was killed or committed suicide. They were getting rid of all the evidence of what happened. What do you expect the government to do in a situation like that? Anyway I stopped the white eighteen-wheeler and convinced him to follow me back on the government ground to see what was going on and he went back to his truck radioed a TV station to get there to capture what was going on but the traffic jam that was created by him shutting down the highway was backed up past the exit needed to be used to get there by the news van that brought the TV cameras. So I'm thinking if the news van can't get there there is no way the huge military tractor-trailer with the still burning metal pit on it could leave that's when I realized that Stephen Shaffer had used me in my attempt to expose what was going on I helped prevent any possible way of exposure to the operation. As the military tractor-trailer went down the side of the highway getting in front of the traffic jam created by me and the white eighteen-wheeler with a lid almost shut but still allowing the smoke to escape the smoldering bodies of the South Americans inside on its way to a military crematorium on more government ground. I truly understood that there was nothing I could do to expose it. I went back and tried to explain what happened to the news cameras that finally got there after the traffic jam had cleared up on the highway but by now all the evidence of them being there on the property had been burned and hauled off the grounds even the very footprints of them had been filled up and smoothed over by the machinery that the white eighteen-wheeler delivered. I found it very difficult to explain what had happened without evidence to the news crew and ended up becoming discouraged and ran off screaming profanity and waving my hands in the air walking around the new turn up the ground where a human massacre on American ground by American soldiers just happened losing a little bit more of my childhood mind at that time it was very traumatizing for me at least now I can talk about it. Only some of the wooden framework for the cocaine production in Oklahoma remained used in the clandestine operation to get Pablo Escobar involved enough to trust the American government and release the locations of his production platforms in South America that our government destroyed with an airstrike of Navy jets coming off an aircraft carrier in the Pacific off the coast of Peru. Filmed on an army transport plane flown by Oliver North I am an eyewitness to. 🇨🇴🇺🇸🌎
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